Want to make a donation to charity without spending a dime? How would you like to raise money for an important cause while spending time outdoors/getting into shape/going about your everyday activities? Then download
Charity Miles and get moving!
Charity Miles is an iPhone/Android app that empowers you to earn corporate sponsorships for charity by walking, running, or biking. Right now, all sponsorships come from Charity Miles, LLC (up to $1 million), but once the app catches on and gets more users and corporate sponsors, your walk/run/bike activity might be sponsored by a company like Gatorade or Reebok. Look at you, you professional sponsored athlete! As you walk, run, or bike, the app tracks your distance and you earn money for your charity. Bikers earn 10¢ per mile, walkers and runners earn 25¢ per mile, all up to the initial $1 million sponsorship pool.

Here's how it works: Download the app and log in with your Facebook account (yes, you have to do this to use the app). Swipe to choose your charity - you can choose to support the same one every time, or choose a different one each time! Press Start and get moving. The app uses GPS to track your activity in distance, time, or impact for your chosen charity. Currently, the
featured charities you can choose to support are:
Achilles International,
Autism Speaks,
Feeding America,
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, & Malaria,
Habitat for Humanity,
The Michael J. Fox Foundation,
The Nature Conservancy,
Pencils of Promise, and
World Food Programme.
When you've finished your activity, click Stop. (You can also pause your activity if you take a break and then Resume once you get moving again.) If you're finished, click Finish and accept the sponsorship. As I mentioned, for now, all sponsorships are from Charity Miles. The app will then you give the opportunity to post about your walk on Facebook and Twitter. We've been using Charity Miles for a couple of weeks now and we always post about our walks. (In fact, we received a surprise thank you from Charity Miles after posting on Twitter by receiving a free t-shirt!) All of your activity is saved in the app. They also send you an email with a summary and map of your activity, and the donation you generated. The wonderful feeling you get from getting exercise AND doing good makes it doubly worth it.
Join the movement, invite your friends, spread the word, and GET MOVING! Because changing the world is a team sport!
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