I've been learning and telling you a lot lately about buying fair trade. It just makes sense. If we're going to be consumers, we should honor companies that respect their workers and the environment by buying their products & helping them thrive. It's about the only recourse we have as individuals to demand corporate responsibility from the monolith of multinational corporations.
That is why today I would like you to make the acquaintance of Good & Fair Clothing Co. Good & Fair is dedicated to using organic and fair-trade materials, ensuring fair wages for farmers and workers, and providing resources for people to get out of poverty in their own community. You can order cute & comfy men's & women's t-shirts and underwear on their website. I'm looking forward to seeing them add more clothing to their inventory like tank tops and maybe even cute summer dresses for women (hint hint!). And for my peeps in Austin, TX, you can find Good & Fair Clothing at Parts & Labor and STAG on South Congress Avenue.
In addition to looking for labels on products in stores that distinguish them as fair trade, I want to also point you to another website that I think is a good resource for fair trade products. Fair Trade USA is a 501(c)(3) third-party certifier of fair trade products in the United States. Check out companies that support fair trade on their Products & Partners page before you shop!
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