I believe in marriage equality. I do! (See???) I believe that everyone has the right to love and to be loved. There are lots of people and organizations out there and I plan to highlight a few, like Freedom to Marry, that are fighting for the rights of the LGBT community to gain marriage equality. I don't care what anybody says - marriage is marriage and there is no equivalent. (And, being a googly-eyed newlywed myself, I can say that with ALL authority.)

A donation to Freedom to Marry will help win marriage in more states in 2011, grow majority support for the freedom to marry, and fight federal marriage discrimination. And check this out...
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes and his partner Sean Eldridge have pledged to double all donations made to Freedom to Marry up to $100,000 through January 1, 2011.
Wurk. And you can always show your support for this organization and marriage equality by becoming a fan on Facebook or following them on Twitter totes for free. It's all about the love, y'all.
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